For more information about my first poetry book:
Refuge In The Storms Of Life
You can view this whole book as one continuous page by clicking here:
My second poetry book:
The Seasons Of Your Pilgrimage
Lord willing, I will be putting together a third poetry book (please pray for this project):
So Amazed By Grace
For ebook/PDFs, click on the links below to download the zip files, which you just need to unzip in your Downloads folder, and then open in your ereader:
Refuge In The Storms Of Life PDF (My first poetry book)
The Seasons Of Your Pilgrimage PDF (My second poetry book)
Poems And Promises PDF (a quick booklet put together, including encouraging poems and short devotionals)
Please feel free to download and pass these on if they are a blessing and encouragement to you.
All the poems posted in this blog are posted in Alphabetical order below, but first is a list of the most recent poems written in the last several years.
Poems Written In 2021:
Through Darkened Skies (How our trials lead us closer to the Lord)
Struggles And Victory (God gives us victory over the world, our enemies, and ourselves)
Faith As A Grain Of Mustard Seed (God honours true faith, no matter how big or small)
Undertake For Me (Trading our worries and fears for God's peace)
Behold Your Saviour (A study turned into a poem)
When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood (God fights for us)
Soaring Aloft On Eagle's Wings (The spiritual pilgrimage that leads us home)
Claiming God's Promises (God's promises enable us to live for Him - claim some today)
One Day Up In Glory (Trusting the Lord with getting older)
Poems Written In 2022:
To Him That Overcometh (Promises to the Overcomer in Revelation 2-3)
All My Springs Are In You (All that we need is in the Lord)
Thou God Seest Me (What Hagar's encounter with God reveals about His care for His children)
I Sleep, But My Heart Waketh (The backsliding believer portrayed in Song of Solomon 5)
Wrestling Until The Break Of Day (Genesis 32 - Wrestling with ourselves and the Lord)
There's A Lion In My Heart (The power of God's Word)
Poems Written In 2023:
Only In Jesus (Only in Jesus is perfect peace and rest)
A Reststop Along The Way (Where can I go for rest along life's way?)
The Darkness Is Passing Away (New edited version, 2024) (The shadow of death will turn to morning...)
There Were None Like These (Good or bad, the story of the kings that were like no other)
Lift Up Their Hands (Lifting up the hands that hang down)
ABC's Of Heaven's Glory (An Alphabet Poem about what we have in the Lord)
How Shall They Call? (A Missions poem)
Go Forward On Your Knees (A Missions poem quoting great preachers of the past)
Just As I Was (God saves us just as we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way!)
Walking On The Water With Jesus (When all you can do is cry out for help)
Christmas Project 2023:
Facing Your Goliath (Finding the strength to face the Goliath of cancer)
Choosing To Guard My Heart And Mind (Promises about guarding our hearts)
Our Little Miracle (God's promise to protect a child in his mother's womb)
Blazing A Trail God's Way (Excited about God's plans for a new ministry)
My Prayer For Sanctuary (A refuge and sanctuary like no other)
Be Strong And Of A Good Courage (A new blessing for a new year)
Jesus In You (The example of faithful Christians)
The Gift Of Myrrh (Christmas Poem)
Poems Written In 2024:
Mary And Martha (Which are you more like?)
More Than Enough (The Lord is always more than enough!)
A Call To Remembrance (Reminders of God's faithfulness)
Duct-Taped Smiles (A Mother's Day Poem)
From Broken To Beautiful (A Mother's Day Poem - but true of God's Work in the lives of all His
Shine Your Light (We need God's light in our lives)
To Be With Christ Is Far Better (A comforting poem about our dilemma in staying here or going home to be with the Lord)
Jerusalem - The City Of The Great King (What Jerusalem will be like during the Millennium when Jesus is reigning)
Open Doors (The various doors the Lord opens in our lives)
A Bruised Reed (How the Lord deals with those that are weak and struggling, but still looking to Him)
Christmas Project 2024:
God Is Still Upon His Throne (Trusting God's plan for our lives)
My Beloved Child (God will never leave us)
God's Everlasting Token (What the Bible says about our eternal security in Christ Jesus)
Alphabetical List Of Poems:
ABC's From My Heart (by Kate Plourde)
ABC's Of Faith/Alphabet Poem NEW (1995) *
ABC's Of Heaven's Glory (Song) NEW (2023) *
Abide In Me (1993) *
A Brand New Start (1994) *
A Breath Of Prayer (by Frances McKinnon Morton) NEW
A Bruised Reed NEW (2024) *
A Call To Remembrance NEW (2024) *
A Confederate Soldier's Prayer
A Friend Loveth At All Times (2003) *
A Friend When You Need One (2001) *
A Lasting Impression (1995) *
All My Springs Are In You NEW (2022) * - Poem read in church
Always (1990) *
Am I A Soldier Of The Cross? (Hymn by Isaac Watts)
And Such Were Some Of You NEW (2003) *
And They Shall Run (2005) *
A Reststop Along The Way NEW (2023) *
A Silent Prayer (2001) *
Behold Your Saviour (2021) *
Be Strong And Of A Good Courage NEW (2023) *
Birthday Poem For A Christian (1995) *
Blazing A Trail God's Way NEW (2023) *
Blessed Is That Man (2003) *
Born To Die (Song) (2001) *
Break Free NEW (1993) *
Call Back
Called (1993) *
Choosing To Guard My Heart And Mind NEW (2023) *
Chosen In Christ Jesus NEW (1996) *
Confining Christianity? (1992) *
Contend For The Faith (2002) *
Count It All Joy (2002) *
Day By Day (Poem) (1999) *
Disappointment - His Appointment
Dream Or Reality? (1995) *
Duct-Taped Smiles (A Mother's Day Poem) NEW (2024) *
Esther's Prayer (2000) *
Everything's Changed (2010) *
Faith As A Grain Of Mustard Seed (2021) *
Faith To Face (2002) *
Fear (Poem by Martha Snell Nicholson)
First Steps (1993) *
Following (1995) *
Follow On (Hymn)
Footsteps Of Faith (2003) *
For A Season (2002) *
Forgiveness (1999) *
Freely Forgiven (2002) *
Friends Forever (1993) *
From Broken To Beautiful (A Mother's Day Poem) NEW (2024) *
Full Assurance (2004) *
God Is In Control (1994) *
God Is/My Name Is I Am - Poem read in church
God Is So Good (1995) *
God Is So Gracious (1993) *
God Is Still Upon His Throne NEW (2024) *
God's Precious Promises (2002) *
Go Forward On Your Knees NEW (2023) *
Going Through The Door (2002) *
Handle With Prayer (1995) *
Have Compassion, Making A Difference (2006) *
He's Still Got The Whole World In His Hands (2002) *
How Do I Remain Faithful? (1997) *
How Shall They Call? NEW (2023) *
How's Your View? (1999) *
I Know (1995) *
Inexpressible (1995) *
In Jesus' Name (1995) *
In The Presence Of The Lord (1994) * - Poem read in church
In Your Grief (1995) *
I Serve A Risen Saviour (Hymn)
I Sleep, But My Heart Waketh NEW (2022) * - Poem read in church
Is Love Stranger Than Fiction? (1995) *
It's A Sad Thing To Be An Infidel (2000) *
It's Jesus (2003) *
Jerusalem - The City Of The Great King NEW (2024) *
Jesus In You NEW (2023) *
Just As I Was (Song by Jerry Bouey and Angela Trenholm) NEW (2023) *
Just One Look (2009) *
Lift Up Their Hands NEW (2023) *
Like A River Glorious (Hymn)
Lord (1992) *
Lord With Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee (Hymn)
Love (1993) *
Love Broke Through (2010) *
Martyr's Song *
Mary And Martha NEW (2024) *
More Like The Master (Hymn)
More Than Enough NEW (2024) *
Mother's Day In Heaven (2006) * - Poem read in church
My Beloved Child NEW (2024) *
My Faltering Heart (1997) *
My Heart's Desire (1996) *
My Prayer For His Will (by Angela Trenholm)
My Prayer For Sanctuary (Song) NEW (2023) *
My Rest (by Angela Trenholm)
Northern Lights (2000) *
Nothing But His Love (1995) *
Oh Holy Night (Hymn)
One Day Up In Glory (2021) *
One Heartbeat From Heaven (2002) *
Only God Can (1994) *
Only God Knows (1996) *
Only In Jesus NEW (2023) *
On My Knees (Song) (1994) *
Open Doors NEW (2024) *
Open My Eyes That I May See (Hymn)
O Save Us Now (2003) *
O Taste And See (2002) *
Our Little Miracle NEW (2023) *
Our Little One (Poem by Angela Trenholm)
Portraits Of Two Lives (1995) *
Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven (Hymn)
Prayer For Faith - A Cancer Victim/Heaven (1993) *
Prayer For My Friends (2002) *
Prayer For Perfect Peace (2001) *
Quietness And Confidence (Hymn) - Poem read in church
Searching For Truth (2008) *
Set My Soul Afire (Hymn)
Shine Your Light NEW (2024) *
Soaring Aloft On Eagle's Wings (2021) *
Someday (1995) *
Sometimes (1993) *
Stand Fast (1996) *
Standing On The Promises (Hymn)
Still (1995) *
Struggles And Victory (2021) *
Take Another Look At Jesus NEW (1999) *
Take A Second Look At Calvary (2001) * - Poem read in church
Tell The World About Jesus (2003) *
Tender Moments Of The Heart NEW (1996) *
The Father's Heart (2004) *
The Fulness Of Jesus NEW
The Game Of Life NEW (1992) *
The Gift Of Myrrh NEW (2023) *
The Good News (2000) *
The Loss Of A Best Friend (1993) *
The Prodigal Has Come Home (2000) *
The Prodigal's Return (Luke 15:11-24; Song) (2006) *
The Race
There's A Lion In My Heart NEW (2022) *
There Were None Like These NEW (2023) *
There's A Blessing (2002) *
The Road - A Story In Four Parts (1995) *
The Seasons Of Your Pilgrimage (Poem) (2002) *
The Shadows Flee Away (Song) (2003) *
The Shepherd Beckons (1995) *
The Sparrow Has Flown Home (2004) *
The Valleys Of Life (2004) *
Thou God Seest Me - Poem read in church NEW (2022) *
To Be With Christ Is Far Better NEW (2024) *
True Christian Friends (2000) *
True Love (1995) *
Two Lives United (1995) *
Two Roads Or Three? (1998) * - Poem read in church
Undertake For Me (2021) *
Under Thy Wings (by Kate Plourde)
Walking On The Water With Jesus NEW (2023) *
Were You An Angel? (2001) *
What A Day That Will Be (Song)
When I'm Lonely (1996) *
What Is Truth? (1995) *
When I Read The Bible Through
When I Stop Praying (2003) *
When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood (2021) *
When This Lion Begins To Roar (1998) * - Poem read in church
Which Is Better? (1995) *
Will You? NEW (1998) *
Will You Be A Jonathan? (1996) *
Wings (Song) (1994) *
Wrestling Until The Break Of Day NEW (2022) * - Poem read in church
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