Monday, April 29, 2024

A Friend Loveth At All Times (Poem)


A Friend Loveth At All Times

A friend loveth at all times -
You've been so faithful and true.
A friend loveth at all times -
I know I've been loved by you.

You've been there through all the joy and pain,
In fact, you've stuck like glue.
When I needed someone, you stood by me,
And your words brought comfort too.

You shared God's Word to cheer my heart,
You cared so much for my soul.
You brought me before the throne of grace,
So in Jesus I would be whole.

You are my friend in Jesus Christ,
My Heavenly Father is your Father too.
When the trials came to test my faith,
I know my Lord sent you.

A friend loveth at all times -
I've learned so much from you.
You shared your joy in the Lord;
Now His joy is my strength too.

A friend loveth at all times -
God's promise stands sure and true!
A friend loveth at all times -
I know I have found a friend in you.

July 25th, 2003
Jerry Bouey

(Dedicated to Kat Aulin, my friend)

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Proverbs 17:17

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